P&C Distributors Inc, in collaboration with Perfumeland of Orlando is an ideal shopping spot for your perfumery needs.
Conveniently located in Orlando Florida, a hot destination to over 70 million tourist yearly ( as of 2022) who come to experience the thrilling theme parks and natural terrain, Perfumeland offers a shopping experience like no other. Catering to tourists from Brazil and other South American countries, the venue is a one stop shop for electronics, perfume, sportswear, and other fashion items that the Duty Free seeking market is eager to find. The bus loads of tourists that walk in Perfumeland’s doors are often equipped with shopping lists which they tend to cross off item by item, throw them in their luggage, and take them back to their country of origin.
Please see the images and videos below to get a glimpse of this shopper’s paradise and drop by on your next visit to Orlando, Fl.